
Agriculture - Arinma Holdings
Our Sector
  • Keeping abreast of innovations in methods of smart farming

    The increase in the global population each year continuously contributes to the depletion of limited natural resources, which causes a strain and challenge for global leaders in the agricultural sector to produce more food to meet global demand. A third of the global workforce is employed in the agriculture sector and with many living in villages and moving to cities seeking more lucrative job opprtunities, food scarcity increases while production decreases. Thus the need to change the way we produce food becomes ever more urgent.

    Arinma  deals with a range of projects in a variety of geographies. We have helped increase food production while keeping our methods sustainable and climate-friendly, and we’ve also managed to use agriculture to pull families out of poverty. We do this by keeping abreast of innovations in plant science, irrigation methods and other smart farming techniques.

    Consultancy and Advisory

    • Improve Access to Capital,
    • Technology and Skills Encourage Investments
    • Support the Management of Natural Resources
    • Agriculture Research
    • Market Development
    • Crop Cultivation
    • Commodity Development
    • Productivity Improvement
    • Address Input Supply Limitations